Saturday, December 5, 2009

the world in general.............

Do you ever sit back and just say "What the hell is wrong with the world?" The top news stories are either violent crime, death tolls, or some random celebrity's personal dilemma/demons. It's everywhere you look! Fox News, no matter what happens in the world, it's another setback to whoever the story is about. Youtube, want to see random strangers in fights or better yet, teens in school getting beat up by multiple attackers. When I see a minor story or blurb that is positive, it's so rare and infrequent that it can bring people to tears.
I've lived in small towns and big cities all over and depersonalization is rampant. We used to have community groups and get-togethers, now people hardly know their own neighbors. It wasn't that long ago when calling out for help brought help, now it causes people to whip out camera phones or try to avoid the situation. If the rare good samaritan jumps in to help, they are invariably hailed has a hero, or in danger of being named in a lawsuit as a defendant. Now these two things are almost polar opposite results from the action of being a decent person.
What incentive do most people have to be decent humans, you may ask? Not alot, when our examples are politicians, celebrities, and athletes who cheat, lie, steal, and then hold a teary press conference telling us how sorry they are for everything.
I hope that somehow we find something to unite us all as people before this world self-destructs, because I would like to have something of a worthwhile world for my daughter to grow-up and live her life out in.

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